Monday, March 28, 2011

Starting my Garden - Day 66

Going to have another garden again this year so I'm starting early to get ready for the season and hope that this year will be a good year.  I planted these about a week ago and they have already started to sprout.  The plants in the box are herbs.  Decided that I wanted to have fresh herbs available for when I cook.  Yeah, I know it looks kinda country and I will move them to pots but this does well for now.  I got tomatoes, peppers, leeks, tiger melons, carrots, beets and can't remember what else right now but a pretty good start.  I already planted potatoes and onions out in the garden so I think I'm off to a good start.  As you can see, I have also been busy making soap as you can see by the many batches behind my mini greenhouses.

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