Monday, March 28, 2011

Starting my Garden - Day 66

Going to have another garden again this year so I'm starting early to get ready for the season and hope that this year will be a good year.  I planted these about a week ago and they have already started to sprout.  The plants in the box are herbs.  Decided that I wanted to have fresh herbs available for when I cook.  Yeah, I know it looks kinda country and I will move them to pots but this does well for now.  I got tomatoes, peppers, leeks, tiger melons, carrots, beets and can't remember what else right now but a pretty good start.  I already planted potatoes and onions out in the garden so I think I'm off to a good start.  As you can see, I have also been busy making soap as you can see by the many batches behind my mini greenhouses.

Leann and Dane's Wedding - Day 65 (March 6, 2011)

Today was Dane and Leann's wedding and as part of their wedding present, I took photos of their wedding.  I will post a few of the collages that I did for them when I get on my computer later.

Wedding Card, Day 64

This is a card that I made for Dane and Leann's Wedding.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Momma and Son - Day 62

Here is Deliah with Peanut Butter.  They were both sitting outside and both were holding up one paw.  I tried to get it and didn't have any luck but I did catch Peanut with this cute yawn.  These are two of my furry children and they give me such joy and fun in my life.

Surprise, Surprise - Day 61

Well today was my birthday and I don't celebrate,  This was the first time in years that I worked on my birthday and my co-workers knew it and they gave me a little surprise.  They know how I feel about getting old so the fact that they were able to pull it off and this theme was just up their alley.  It was nice of them and I did love the card that they gave me.  It was too funny.

After the Storm - Day 59

We had a bad storm here on the 28th and based on the damage I saw I wouldn't be surprised it a small tornado hit this area.  There were trees all over the road and lots of damage but only in one small area of the county. 

Multiple Personalities - February 25, 2011 - Day 56 and 57

My son, the joker, the lover, the sensitive one, the humorous one and so much more.  Here he is being a Rasta and then the next day he was Mr. Debonaire.

He cleans up nice doesn't he, lol.

Signs of Spring - Day 55

Spring is on the horizon and the flowers are starting to bloom.  Passed by these and had to take a pic.  These are from my cell phone as I had left my stand-by at home.  Oh well, you get the idea :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Setting Sun, February 20, 2011 - Day 51

Here are a series of pics of the sun setting out my front door.

Full Moon February 19, 2011 - Day 50

A few shots of the moon and the clouds at night.  I like that i was able to capture the details of the moon in the first picturs.

Guntersville at Night - Day 49

This was the next day of my travels and getting home after 9 pm after being out since 7:30 am.  It was a long exhausting day, but I was gonna get some pics if it killed me, lol.  These were taken close to Guntesville Bridge.  The steaks of lights on the water was a barge or boat passing by.  The streaks on the bridge are cars.  These were taken about 9:30 at night.

Huntsville At Night - Day 48

Lately, I have been doing a lot of traveling and haven't been able to post like I should or want to.  This night I was leaving Huntsville and stopped at Scenic Lookout and took a couple of pics of the city as well as the cars passing by trying a new technique.  The red and white streaks are actually cars driving by.  I set my f-stop to 11 or 13 and a slow shutter speed. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Moon Rise/Sunset - Day 47

Kinda wierd to see the sun setting and the moon coming up at the same time.  There were in two opposite directions. 

Beautiful View - Day 46

In my job, I have t make home visits and this was the view from one of their homes.  I just loving visiting their home becasue of the view and it was a beautiful day this day.  Oh, and how can I forget,  we were sitting on the porch and I got up to leave and had walked towards the back of the house when I heard raised voices.  I went to investigate and they informed me that they had just killed a snake that was on the ground below the seat where I was sitting!!  I told them that if I had been sitting there and saw it, they would've had to pick me up off the ground or call the coroner.  I detest snakes and that would've been it for me, and it was a water moccassian!  Gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.