Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Selling on Ebay - Day 18

Among the many things that I do, I also sell items on Ebay.  So here are a couple of items that I took pics of to list on Ebay.  While doing that I was also cooking dinner so I took a shot of my meal today.  I usually don't like to cook steaks because I can never get them tender enough but today I have to say that they came out just right.  Flavorful and tender.  The mac and cheese was made by cousin, it is soooo good that she is asked to make it for every dinner the family has.  She was nice enough to make a batch for  use at Christmas and I cooked it tonight.  MMMMM good!

Cute tea set.

I have no idea what these are for but someone may want them, LOL

Baby girl shoes

Little girls outft

Ended the night with a delicious meal,
As you can see, I have a broad range of items to list.  I go to sales and find items that I think will sell and make a little profit from it.  I never used to go to yard sales or thrift stores but in hard times, you learn to readjust and make it work for you.  I have found so many cool items over the years and have fun looking and seeing what new treasure I can find. 


  1. all the sudden i'm hungry, again! ha ha
    yard sales are awesome!!
    i hope you prosper via ebay!

  2. @Lenay, thanks.
    @ ShutteredDreams, it was very good, lol
